Loft Marbella Guanacaste

Hosted byLoft Marbella Guanacaste

Loft Marbella Guanacaste infrastructure and services

The Internet is available all over the territory of the accommodation. There is a garden planted nearby the hotel. You can leave your car in the parking lot. The rooms are for non-smoking people only. Travellers can pay for services using these types of payment cards: American Express, Visa, Mastercard.

Accommodation staff is fluent in Spanish, English.

A few words about rooms

There is only one room type - apartment. Guests can count on such amenities as air conditioning, kitchenette, refrigerator, desk, free toiletries, microwave, flat-screen tv.

Here is a lot of rooms with garden view, mountain view, landmark view, city look and. Accommodation also provides unique facilities for guests: patio.

Book Loft Marbella Guanacaste

We recommend you to book Apartment Loft Marbella Guanacaste in advance to make your vacation smooth and easy. Planet of Hotels offers beneficial prices and conditions.

You should also consider variants like The Lighthouse OcotalHotel Colono BeachThe Cove 8 at Playa OcotalThe Cove 7 at Playa Ocotal.

Amenities and Features

  • Air Conditioning
  • Family Rooms
  • Free WiFi
  • Private Parking
  • Restaurant
  • Room Service
  • Transfer to the airport
  • Wellness
  • Wheelchair Access


Location Map

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